Gummi Deli Breakfast (3 Pack)

Click to get Gummi Deli Breakfast  3 Pack Item ID: #2720
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Diets can be a real pain in theÈ.stomach. You cant eat any of the things you used to love, and then theres all that calorie counting. Yep, hunger pains and math headaches. No fun, right? Thats why we love these little Breakfast food gummies. Theyre perfect for replacing all the food were missing _ Ham, Bacon, Sausage!, and they're just about as low calorie as it gets. Sure, they taste a little different than our traditional breakfast favorites, but when youve got to fit into a two-piece bikini in less than a week, take whatever you can get! And Now ... Get 3 for the price of 1. Happy Snacking!

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Gummi Deli Breakfast (3 Pack)