Bean Boozled - Disgusting Candy Game

Click to get Bean Boozled  Disgusting Candy Game Item ID: #2688
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Vomit Anyone? This amazing and revolting candy is also a nasty game. Here's how it's played... I'm going to offer you two jelly beans -- One of them has a delightful and refreshing peach flavor. But the other one tastes like vomit. Which one will you take? Unless you're absolutely nuts, you'll take the peach one. But what if they both look EXACTLY ALIKE? You won't know whether it's peach or puke until you bite down on it! Is that evil, or what? Each box of Bean Boozled contains pairs of identical Jelly Beans - In each pair, one is tasty and the other is revolting. No, you can't tell which one by smelling it. The only way is to actually EAT IT. We've been having so much fun at Stupid Headquarters. Gary got Berry when Marni got toothpaste. Bob ended up with a mouthful of moldy cheese while Joel happily ate his caramel corn. It's wild! Each box contains Jelly Beans for display. Toss those out and fill it with the attached 1.8oz refill pack to start your Game! Check out the chart on the left to see all the crazy flavors. They're made by Jelly Belly, so the quality is terrific. And the flavors, we're sorry to say, are perfectly captured. Good luck!

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